My Dad

My dad is a doctor and he works really hard everyday of his life from early morning to late night. Always surrounded with patients and trying to fix their problems. He is so busy that he sometimes forget to ask us whether we have exam in our college or not, Whether we are having a good or bad day, haha. But sometimes he reads our faces and leave all his work to sit and talk with us, and resolve our problems. And When he is having a really bad day, we are always there to help him no matter what the time is.

But since my childhood i have missed my dad some way or the other. I missed him during cricket matches, which i use to play when i was a child. I missed him during my admission procedures in new colleges, when all i could see was more parents and less children in college haha. I miss him on Sundays when all other were outing and dad has only one day to rest so we rarely went outside. I miss him everyday.

Somehow i have figured out that doctors don’t have a social life. He works really hard for us only, but sometimes i miss him when a call from a patient is more important than our small achievements, when a visit to a patient is more important than our annual day visit. Its his job no doubt in that, but i miss him…

He is the best dad in the world because only he can manage everything family, friends, work and what not. But missing him everyday sometimes melts me.

i love u dad, you be the best and the strongest person in the world.


Different people enjoy rain differently. Some just get wet, some enjoy getting wet, some feel it when getting wet and many more. Rain comes and washes out all the problems, depression, every negative thing that is haunting you from inside. All u need to do is just get out of the house close your eyes look at the sky, feel every single rain drop falling on your face touching your soul, just let go of everything that ever bothered you. 

Instead of getting sad and depressed emotions cherish the rain, become a child and play, recreate memories that you once had when you were a small child, get dirty, have fun live life.

Rain comes once in a year have as much fun as you can because you never know what may happen the very next moment… 

Enjoy the rain😉

Happy rainy days😍

Long Drive…

He tried and tried but was not able to get time on their anniversary. She had made plans but was not able to execute it. But were together for daylong but the plan was not executed due to some or the other reasons. But the next day both went on a long drive, it was a unplanned ride.

Drives always sort things out, they talked a lot, they made each other fall for each other again. there was love everywhere. The drive went on and on till the place she decided to go on their anniversary. They talked about everything they had in their mind.

Its truly said that if you love each other madly then u can celebrate everyday, and that’s what they were doing. Each day the best day. Each day had something to celebrate, Each day was special.

love as much as you can because sitting and regretting later will only give you pain. cherish every moment with your loved once, create moments, capture moments, love moments, make life. Because life is all about living and not regretting.

Smile :)

Always remember to smile, no matter what happen always remember to smile. Your smile defines you. Your smile can make others feel good. Just one smile can be pull others from their bad day to a good one. If we can’t help them all we can do is we can smile and make them believe that there is still a hope don’t loose hope, your time will also come.

If people can be so cruel to make some loose their smile you can be the hope for such people that there still exists something that can kill all the hate, fear, anger and one this is called SMILE.

Spread SMILE, someday when you don’t  feel like smiling someone to whom you taught smiling will come and teach you how to smile, and even though no one arrives for you, you will find your SMILE remembering that you gave the best gift to someone who lost it and that was a SMILE.

Spreading hate is very simple but SMILE is what defines you. If you put a smile on the face of even just one person everyday the peace you will get can’t be compared to anything else…..

The meeting…

The meeting, the feeling, the goosebumps, the butterflies in stomach i am sure we all get all this when we meet our special once. But i don’t know how but i get this feeling every time i meet my special one. Her touch, her smell, her smile, her hairs, her everything just gives the same feeling every time i see her.

I guess the time is at fault as it passed fast like anything. But the memories that are made every time we meet are just so precious that we really thank time for bringing us both close again.

Make the full use of whatever time you are getting with your loved once because this time will never come back. Make full utilization of that time and just smile, live moments, create moments, capture moments, live life you wanted to live with them because when you can’t meet them it will this moments that will always put a smile on your face. That smile will always be the prettiest when you smile remembering THEM.

Do what ever you can to make them happy because ultimately seeing them happy will make you happy and thats what love is all about. Tenacity, passion, all will work just keep them in mind and do things.

i love her….


we all dream of something in our life. Either its related to our future, or our love, or our friends, family or any other thing. Dreams are what keeps us up in night, dreams are what sometimes scares the hell out of us, dreams are what we should always be striving for. All this may sound philosophical but that’s really true.

Dream big not about money only. Dream big to travel, explore more, read more, make new friends and what not. Some people have such dreams and those people live many lives in one life. And those 20% people have a smile on their face always. No situation can puzzle them up in life.

Dream of everything you can and just try to make an effort. And you will see that dude you found what you were looking for. Trust me making a single effort can open many doors. If not, they will let you know the other part of life which was hidden from you.


There is a pinch of sadness in everyday at some moment in our life. The things that we never imagined would happen but they happens, things that went in a wrong way and you were not expecting it, things you wanted to say to someone but you didn’t… and the list goes on. We all have such moments in our life. but sometimes when there are such phase is going on in our life all we need to do is have patience because there is going to be the day when everything will carry out as u wanted, as you expected. Till then have patience and move ahead in life. Give time some time.

Sadness will eventually subside but what is with you is your personality, don’t ever let that go way. Be as you are because that defines you. phases will come and go. you are braver than you thought, put your head up and face the things because only you can face what is coming in your life others don’t have that much courage that’s why its coming only in your life n not their’s.

About This Page

This Blog is basically just out of my writing habit. I have started this blog just to share my daily experiences. Its all about feelings, reactions, actions, journey, travel and many more things that each one of us mostly go through. hope you like it, and if you came here to read this i am really glad. Your presence will motivate me a lot.

Hope i take you to a journey you have gone through or you will go through.