My Dad

My dad is a doctor and he works really hard everyday of his life from early morning to late night. Always surrounded with patients and trying to fix their problems. He is so busy that he sometimes forget to ask us whether we have exam in our college or not, Whether we are having a good or bad day, haha. But sometimes he reads our faces and leave all his work to sit and talk with us, and resolve our problems. And When he is having a really bad day, we are always there to help him no matter what the time is.

But since my childhood i have missed my dad some way or the other. I missed him during cricket matches, which i use to play when i was a child. I missed him during my admission procedures in new colleges, when all i could see was more parents and less children in college haha. I miss him on Sundays when all other were outing and dad has only one day to rest so we rarely went outside. I miss him everyday.

Somehow i have figured out that doctors don’t have a social life. He works really hard for us only, but sometimes i miss him when a call from a patient is more important than our small achievements, when a visit to a patient is more important than our annual day visit. Its his job no doubt in that, but i miss him…

He is the best dad in the world because only he can manage everything family, friends, work and what not. But missing him everyday sometimes melts me.

i love u dad, you be the best and the strongest person in the world.

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